Join the Flock!
There are a number of ways to get involved!
Sponsor Us
Our corporate sponsors are our lifeline, as businesses share their tax-free charitable contributions to save and enhance the lives of our feathered friends that live about as long we do! We have so many aspirations, but such limited funds. Maybe your company can take on a sponsorship of a new addition or an upgrade, or like several others, sponsor just one bird by taking on his individual expenses. Even a small but monthly contribution goes a long way for birdseed and keeping things going at the Palace! Please see various options on the Sponsorships page, and check out our Five-Star Ratings!
Be a Volunteer!
Patty’s Parrot Palace would not be here today if it weren’t for the dozens of volunteers that give their time and energy to help these beautiful—but often needy—tropical birds. Because of our esteemed volunteers, the Palace is able to help many times more of these precious creatures than we ever could if we were by ourselves. Plus, our volunteers often make endearing friendships that last a lifetime working with other fellow volunteers. See our Be a Volunteer page for more info and to apply.
Be a “Parront”
If you own an exotic bird, and need a place for your loved one to live, either for a short while or permanently, The Palace offers several services that might be a perfect solution. Many of our feathered residents have parronts that come visit them regularly, and maintain a parental bond with their special child. Patty’s Parrot Palace has options that include temporary boarding while you’re away, longer term arrangements because, well, life happens, or even a way to completely relinquish ownership of your loved one to find a better home. For more information on possibly moving your precious pet to the Palace, please see For “Parronts.”
Adopt a Bird
Before you consider buying a new a new exotic bird, we hope you would consider adopting one of the many wonderful characters we have at the Palace. Of course, we will be sad to see any one of them go, but we know that each one dreams of nothing more than being a constant companion to someone who will love them, train them, and take care of them as they’ve come to expect at the Palace. In fact, your new family member can even continue to live here if you desire. If you think you might be a candidate for adopting a feathered child, or you just want a little more information, please Contact Us and let us know what you’re thinking.
If your heart moves you for these wonderful creatures, or if you just want to support the work we’re doing at Patty’s Parrot Palace, please consider donating. The most valuable kind of donations are monthly commitments—of any amount—that we can count on as part of our monthly budget for the facilities and expenses we provide every day. But we are just as appreciative of one-time donations that seem to coincide miraculously with pressing needs! Together, our individual donors add up to being a major part of keeping the Palace and it’s precious residents going! Please see our Donate page to securely process your gift online with a PayPal account, or debit or credit card. Or, you can always mail a check to the address on our Contact page. Thank you for any donation!
Attend Events
Patty’s Parrot Palace is regularly planning events such as Open Houses, sanctuary tours, and classes for training your bird. We also host “Farm 2 Yoga” classes that are hilariously entertaining as participants exercise with the added elements of surprise and adorability of dwarf goats and parrots! Goat Yoga is quite the hit as the gregarious animals love to engage people, and climb on them! Parrot Yoga is similar, only your workout partner is a bird, with an opinion! If your yoga classes aren’t at least this interesting, try Goat Yoga or Parrot Yoga. You’re in for a treat and you’ll be back! See our calendar of upcoming classes on the Events page and book your class here online!
Contact Us
Another way to engage us immediately is to tell us what you’re thinking or ask us any questions you may have! You can use our convenient Contact form which emails us directly.
Or, you can try getting us by phone, but if you don’t catch us inside, and with our hands free, you might have to leave a message. Plus, folks that do call us often mention that we have a lot of “background noise” here for some reason. Click here to Contact Us now.
A quick list of shortcuts to get involved:
Sponsor | Volunteer | Parront | Adopt | Donate | Attend | Contact